Come to the Harz Mountains; come to where the dice roll !!! ;O) |
Preliminary program: General- Paint and Modelling Contest - Battletech flea market - LaserTec - Board games - Crimson Sky Wednesday - Arrival from 6 pm - Self-catering |
Thursday - Con Start 12 o'clock - Solaris 7 Tournament (5pm) - TCG Tournament Friday Saturday |
Arrival possible from Wednesday at 18:00 - Wednesday evening is self-catering. |
Arrival, chilling + chapter fights ;O) During the whole con, several computers with internet access will be available for entering fights. |
Miniatures that cost hours of handicraft and painting should also be shown to inspire others and to exchange ideas. It is always nice to see a rarity or maybe a funny mini from close up. We would like to offer all Con visitors to contribute something to our showcase. If you want to show your own figure conversions, great paintjobs or just a rare figure, you are invited to present it in our showcase for everyone! So let your darling off the leash to present itself with others on this stage. We are already looking forward to it ;). |
Paint and Modelling ContestTask description: Mercenary Battlemech on supply run, according to this motto you have to paint a Battlemech in mercenary colors that carries or loads at least one piece of supply/loot! The camo must be one of the 10 mercenary units selected by us from the Kickstarter... !!! Snord's Irregulars and Camachos Caballeros must also have the unit logo on the figure !!! |
You can do whatever you want with the figure as long as the original unit is still clearly recognizable. Max, base diameter is 5cm + largest figure size max. 7cm 1 entry per participant The 3 points will be judged: This will be judged by the con visitors. The figures must be submitted by Friday and will then be exhibited in the showcase from 6 pm. Prizes will be awarded late Saturday evening after the tournaments. |
SOLARIS VII CHARITY-TOURNAMENT 2024All proceeds from the tournament go 100% to the children's cancer charity! Die Story:Here you are, far away from the battlefields of the Inner Sphere, but not near one of the large stables in Solaris City. But before you go down as a disenfranchised mech warrior, you take this chance. |
Each player pays an entry fee of 5 euros. 16 starting places are available. All information about the background, rules, pilots and mechs can be found here: 2024_Sol7_Tournament |
Construction tournament 2024Taurian Concordat 20.08.3068 |
After you have gathered in front of him, he begins to speak: “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I am General Armand. I am pleased to welcome you here and that so many of you have accepted our offer to construct a mech. This facility will be available to you in the coming weeks. The exact criteria for construction can be found in the files. Due to our supply situation, there are no extraordinary weapons available and we do not have that many jump jets. Your mechs must be submitted by Sunday, October 20th of this year at the latest.” Have fun and good luck. |
We have summarized the specifications of the units to be constructed here: Design rules SSW and MegaMekLab are approved as design programs. |
Questions + submission until Sunday 20.10.2024 to: For chassis please enter the name of the mech for model please enter your name!!!! |
Jellytech - Battletech for Kids !!!Join in a game where (almost) everything is edible. Be prepared for even the spectators to join in the battle. The rules are simple, the game is fast, the winners and losers get eaten.
A fun tournament aimed primarily at children. We are looking forward to a lively participation and willingness to donate. |
This year again, the BT flea market will take place during our con in Hohegeiß. We have already collected a lot of material (new and used) for treasure hunters. If you still want to part with a few things or are looking for something, please contact us. Offers and searches to us at: |
More info as the con gets closer ! |
The kids are always very happy about that ;O) |
Board games for everyone
You are also welcome to bring your own games and offer rounds of games. A break, a little distraction, something different or just not in the mood for BT - you'll get help here ;O) |
Some of you may remember this FASA classic: Exciting aerial combat in an alternative 1930s timeline over the former United States. Heroic pilots and their wingmen fight against air pirates and enemy zeppelins. There will be an introductory round for new cadets and a scenario for veteran veterans. The game system will look familiar to any BT player: Hex cards, data sheets with armour and internal components, and miniatures. Differing features are the movement phase and that there is a damage template. Translated with (free version) |
Here are more program points from 2023 |
Scenario Tukayyid 3052Situation: Choose your side! Fight for a new Star Alliance under clan rule, |
HardwarHardwar is set in the 22nd century and is a fast 6 mm tabletop game from Strato Minatures. Corporations, alliances of states and private armies fight for supremacy on Earth and Mars. Electronic warfare and the hardbot, similar to a battlemech, are at the forefront of the battle. But hardbots are not the only formidable weapons. Even tanks and simple infantry should not be underestimated. |
A definite advantage is the usability of existing 6 mm miniatures. Be it as generic or own construction. Experienced Battletech players will notice that the retro bots are very similar to their mechs. There are freely available unit cards for them and of course these hardbots are also damn strong opponents. What you need for the game: A 90 x 90 cm battlefield, enough W12 (6 to 10 dice would be appropriate), a tape measure (inches) and of course fun to play. |
In addition to the Retrobots, there are 20-point Starter Packs for sale at Strato. If you're more into retrobots, you can now also find them at BenAD3d. More information can be found in the Hardwar Game Group: |
TrashCan-TournamentMech Tournament, Single-K.O. Take part and choose what your opponent has to fight with on the battlefield! Registration pdf can now also be filled out digitally: For more info - click on the picture ;O) |
There's a new sheriff in town - ScenarioPlanet Batavia 8 July 3142 Major Brackmann enters the briefing room and steps behind the lectern. "Good afternoon soldiers we have received a call for help from the Governor of Batavia. The Mafia is trying to gain control of the planet. We are landing immediately and will investigate the situation in the Choose the Sherriff's and drive out the mob. |
At about the same time in a hangar near the capital. The Capo enters the briefing room and stands in front of the large monitor. "Family the dirty governor, despite our financial support, has the gall to call in a unit of militia. The first of the two landing ships has just arrived and the units are heading towards the centre of the city. Since we want to avoid major damage there, we attack the militia troops in the suburbs. A bonus is that the annoying police chief and the governor have their houses. Nico, Luigi, Matteo and Giulia get into your Mechs and show the sons of bitches. As soon as the other mechs are ready, I'll send them to support you. To you braves, show your loyalty on the battlefield. Choose the mafia and defend your organisation. Business must be conducted! |
Distillery Tour @ Phoenix ConIn the neighbouring village of Zorge (Walkenried) lies the whisky distillery Hercynian Distilling Co. The idea came up to do a joint distillery tour as part of the Phoenix Con and now we are doing it ;O) This year's "WEE DRAM" tour is fully booked! Let me know if we should organise it again for next year... |
Alpha Strike on HexAlpha Strike - I don't know - there's no hex at all! Immerse yourself in a fast-paced game, on familiar Hex terrain, in the struggle of Inner Spheres and clans to make further decisions in the ongoing conflict. |
Ein Fun-Game am Freitag ab 17h mit Voranmeldung bei Dark Star! |
CAV Rules - Battletech MiniaturesCAV (CombatAssaultVehicle) wurde um 1998 von Reaper Miniatures "erfunden" und hat eine eigene 10mm (1:200) Miniatur Reihe. An neue Modelle zu kommen ist in Deutschland selbst mit dem SciFiTrader echt schwierig. Daher werde ich für die Demo, BattleTech miniaturen verwenden. Ich denke jeder BattleTech Spieler wird sich schnell zu Hause fühlen, dank Autokanonen, Laser, Partikel Kanonen, Rail Guns und Mehrfach Raketen Werfern. Jede Einheit hat eine eigene Datenkarte mit Schlüsselwörtern zu den Fähigkeiten. (die ich übersetzen werde) Da wir BattleTech Einheiten verwenden, werden die Karten individuell erstelt sein die dem Modell so gerecht wie möglich sein werden. Ich werde etwa 50 Mechs vorbereiten, vielleicht auch mehr + Fahrzeuge und Infanterie. (Longbow z.B. wird 2 Light Rocket Packs 5 und 2 Heavy Rocket Packs 20 haben) |
Battletech: |
Sebastian gives you an insight into Death From Above Wargaming's hybrid system, which elegantly combines Demos for 2-4 interested players, |
Battletech Override Scenario |
It is the year 3038. The war against Kurita is imminent and Hanse Davion has commissioned numerous undertakings that should give him a further advantage. One of these undertakings is the search for an SLDF cache, which is supposed to be hidden in the border area to the Draconis Combine. In order to attract as little attention as possible, only a small group of mercenaries under the leadership of an FCIS agent has been sent to the remote planet Glenlivet. This group is to reconnoitre the situation and, if the rumours of an SLDF cache are confirmed, prepare a recovery... The scenario takes place in the Override (formerly Destiny) system. Players should be familiar with the basics of the system. The scenario will be designed for 4-5 players and there will be two runs on Saturday. Here I ask for !pre-registration! At the con. A list will be posted. |